Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Work in Progess - Mourning Dove Complete

Complete. I added my "steamy" dove. (perhaps he's poached) We were to paint a Diner with a mug of steaming coffee with a dove rising out of it. We also could have letters addressed to the main character of the play along with any other "diner" elements. I kept mine very basic. There is some colour to this but it's very muted. Some blue and some red, but predominately black and white.

5 x 7 acrylic on canvas paper


Sue said...

Leola, I love it!
Keeping it in black and white is a SUPER inspiration... you've done a wonderful job on it, I really hope your friend will choose it for the posters... I would.

Doreen said...

You did a very fine job Lee, that was a difficult subject to tackle I think!

Debra Keirce said...

Oooooh! Ahhhh! I like how your dove is so ethereal, like he's forming from the mist...an apparition! Cool Leola!