Thursday, August 18, 2011

Can't post on anyone's blog.....:(

Hi my talented blogging friends.  I have only been able to post on friends blogs sporadically for a couple of weeks now.  I have tried to research the problem, but there is really nothing I can do.  I have read on the blogger forums that other people are having the same problem.  Please know that although I don't post on your blog, that I visit regularly and love everything I see on your blogs.......Leola


Sue said...

Leola, thanks for letting us know of this problem, I had the same problem but only when I was using Internet Explorer. I switched to Mozilla Firefox and with this server the problem did not exist.
Maybe you could try using another server.

Gail H. Ragsdale said...

I have problems posting if I am using IE. Whenever I do something to my blog I switch over to Firefox.