Friday, January 18, 2008

Christmas is over - What's next - Family reunion?

Christmas is so chaotic at my house. My daughter comes home with her family. Her siblings and their children come over daily to visit. Everyone goes crazy trying to fill in months worth of visiting into one tiny week. Christmas is gone and it's so quiet here again. Oh sure, my other daughters come over. I still have the rest of the grandchildren. But it's not the same as when the entire crew is together. So what next. We are already talking about our yearly "reunion' of camping on a long weekend. This year we are going to all get together for the May long weekend. Elk Island, Alberta. The place will never be the same. We are in full planning mode to pack as much as we can into 3 days. I think we will have a "tacky" swap this year (bring the tackiest item we have found at a garage sale to be swapped ) I am already thinking of the things I can do for this :) All the grandchildren are waiting with great anticipation. They love nothing better than getting together with their cousins. I hope these camping trips never end. Besides Christmas, I think they are the most "looked forward to" events on the calendar. Creating wonderful memories for all of us to keep.

Here is a couple of pics from other camping reuions. One at Cypress Hills, and one at Waskasiu

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