Monday, August 29, 2011

Edible Art - Plum Jam

I have been neglecting my blog terribly.  I also haven't been painting much at all.  This summer has been unbelievably busy, taking all sorts of unexpected twists and turns.  Some good, some bad.....but mostly good.   There is a hint of fall in the evening air.  Days are getting shorter.  So much to do, so little time to do it.

 My neighbor brought over a grocery bag full of plump juicy plums.  I haven't made jam in years, but couldn't let them go to waste so put up some jars this afternoon.  Pretty as a picture, so I couldn't resist taking a few photos for some "edible art"!


Sue said...

I love plums but I'm not so keen on jams. Some edible art is a change from your usual art... and I'm sure you are clever in both!

Kim Vanlandingham said...

How cool is it that you can even do that! Looks yummy!